
MOCA Plaza《低限命題.感性空間─東和鋼鐵國際藝術家駐廠創作展》

张雄艺术网 http://www.zxart.cn发布时间:2018-08-16

摘要: 展覽日期:2018/8/18(六)~10/28(日) 展覽地點:台北當代藝術館廣場MOCA Plaza



“Tung Ho Steel International Artist Residency” originated from the three-year collaborative project initiated by Mrs. Shu-Chau Wang Ho, Chief Operating Officer of Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corporation, and the National Culture and Arts Foundation. Since 2012 onward, Tung Ho Steel Foundation has continued the project to invite one Taiwanese artist and one foreign artist annually to create artworks at Tung Ho Steel Miaoli Works. Artists are provided with scrap steel, professional machinery and technical support for their artistic creation. Tung Ho Steel hopes to promote the art of steel sculpture, expand its possibility and foster inter-cultural dialogue and artistic exchange through the project.


This exhibition features two artists that participated in the 2017 Tung Ho Steel International Artist Residency; they are Zai-Qian LEE from Taiwan and Kazuo YUHARA from Japan. Their artworks created during their residency will be displayed on the plaza of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei. Influenced by Western minimalism, both artists have exceled in applying simple forms to interpret their native cultures. The artworks on view also revisit the nature of steel, as the artists have ingenuously made use of scrap steel and reduced processing procedures to reflect on the relationship between their works and the surrounding environment.


Seven sculptures in total are on view in this exhibition. Lee’s works demonstrate the rebirth of H-shape steel. He uses scrap H-shape steel pieces selected from the steel plant, transforms them into minimalistic sculptures with simple processing procedures, and reveals the structural beauty and nature of the material through a contrast of colored and raw surfaces. Yuhara, on the other hand, directly uses industrial products, such as checkered steel plate and steel mesh, to create alternative spaces, which allow audiences to be immersed in spatial experiences different from those they can find in daily life through their interaction with the artworks.


李再鈐 Zai-Qian LEE







展覽地點:台北當代藝術館廣場MOCA Plaza

展覽網頁: https://goo.gl/8PYPYF