
許家禎 Syu Jia-Jhen| 就在「時區」十週年特別計劃之三

张雄艺术网 http://www.zxart.cn发布时间:2018-08-23

摘要: 展覽地點:就在藝術空間 展覽日期:2018年8月11日至2018年9月15 展覽時間:週二至週六 11am-7pm



         Syu Jia-Jhen’s concept for the artwork The Third Memorial derives from the memorials raised during the Japanese occupation era in Taiwan, from the end of the 19th Century through to the mid 20th Century. Originally commemorating Japanese figures, they were replaced due to the change of political power at the end of the occupation. However, their original pedestals are still in use, despite the change into their current form as public statues. Syu terms this historical shift as ‘The First Memorial’ and ‘The Second Memorial’ respectively, drafting a series of molds, sketches and models from the surviving pedestals. His work explores the definition of ‘pedestal’, originally intended as a purely functional object, the perception of pedestals has expanded within contemporary sculpture art practice, where the line between pedestal and sculpture has even become completely erased. The Third Memorial deliberately connects these two strands of historical consciousness, re-examining objects from the perspective of time, as well as commemorating the historical encounters contained within these pedestals. Syu’s latest work The Third Memorial (2018) consists of an imitation of the pedestal at the Taipei Railway Workshop. Sulfur is cast into stalactite structures, exploring the use of form and material to reference the significance of sulfur as a resource in the expansion of an empire.

許家禎 Syu Jia-Jhen, 《第三紀念》 The Third Memorial, 2018, 硫磺、複合媒材 sulfur, mixed media,116 x 56 x 56cm

10th anniversary, Coconut, Banana tree, Memorial, Sulfur, Storytelling, Arrangement, Perfect, Hyper trace, Third.

周育正 Chou Yu-Cheng
謝牧岐 Hsieh Mu-Chi · 許家禎 Syu Jia-Jhen · 楊季涓 Yang Chi-Chuan · 王福瑞 Wang Fujui

11 August – 15 September 2018 

Project Fulfill Voir là in Time Zones 10th Anniversary Special Projects Part III

開幕 Opening Reception: 7 September 2018 1-4pm
